What to know about the Circles of Security Parenting Program (COSP)
The COS program offers a valuable framework for caregivers to understand and meet their child’s emotional needs. By providing a secure base and safe haven, caregivers can foster secure attachments and promote healthy emotional development.
The Spoons Theory
The Spoons Theory is a way to explain our body’s limited energy. It reviews the metaphor that neurodivergent individuals have more demands placed on them due to the extra effort it can take to manage sensory information, chronic illness or pain, emotions and executive functioning differences.
Implementing screen free time at home
In this day and age we are bombarded with technology. We use it everyday to communicate, interact, at work, school and in our homes. There are many pros of technology use such as; connection and communication, access to information, and educational opportunities. But there are also cons; including an increase of sedentary behaviors impacting on development, health and well-being. So what do we do when our children become reliant on technology use?
Developing independence in dressing
Developing dressing skills supports independence and participation in daily activities. Occupational Therapists can support the development of underlying skills to support your child to dress themselves. Dressing requires foundational skills such as fine and gross motor, bilateral coordination, body awareness, balance, postural control, and motor planning.