What to know about the Circles of Security Parenting Program (COSP)


What to know about the Circles of Security parenting program (COSP)

The COSP program offers a valuable framework for caregivers to understand and meet their child’s emotional needs. By providing a secure base and safe haven, caregivers can foster secure attachments and promote healthy emotional development. 

As caregivers, one of our primary goals is to ensure that children feel safe and secure. The Circle of Security is an evidence-based, relationship focused early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between caregivers and children. Developed by clinical psychologist Glen Cooper, Kent Hoffman and Bert Powell, The Circle of Security model provides a map for caregivers to better understand and meet their child's emotional needs. 

It illustrates the balance children need between staying close to their caregivers for safety, reassurance, comfort and security and exploring their world for development and growth.

Key components of the Circle of Security

Top of the circle: The Secure Base

At the top of the circle, the caregiver provides a secure base for the child to go explore the world. Allowing the child to venture out and explore, whilst knowing they can always return to safety. The child goes out to explore, learn and develop independence knowing the caregiver is available if needed. This part of the circle highlights the importance of allowing children to experience the world while maintaining a sense of security.

I need you to;

  • Support my exploration

  • Watch over me

  • Delight in me

  • Help me

  • Enjoy with me

Bottom of the circle: Safe Haven

At the bottom of the circle, when the child encounters challenges, feels scared or needs comfort, they return to the caregiver for reassurance and support. The caregivers role is to welcome the child back , provide comfort and help them to feel secure again.

I need you to;

  • Welcome my coming to you.

  • Protect me

  • Comfort me

  • Delight in me

  • Organise my feelings

The hands: Bigger, Stronger, Wiser, Kind

The caregivers hands on the circle represent the nurturing and protective presence that supports the child throughout their journey of exploration and return. This symbolises the caregivers consistent availability and responsiveness to the child’s needs. The ability to identify a ‘take charge moment’ versus a ‘follow moment’ and to always be ‘bigger, stronger, wiser and kind’.

  • Always be: bigger, stronger, wiser and kind.

  • Whenever possible: Follow my child’s needs.

  • Whenever necessary: Take charge

Why is the Circle of Security important?

The framework identifies the importance of a caregivers presence, responsiveness and understanding as key to helping children feel safe, secure and confident in their journey of growth and exploration. It supports the development of a secure attachment and promotes emotional regulation skills.

Secure attachment forms the foundation of healthy emotional and social development. The COSP program helps caregivers create a secure attachment with their children by supporting them to be attuned to their child’s emotional needs and respond appropriately, leading to a more connected relationship. Children who experience consistent support from their caregivers learn to regulate their emotions more effectively. This leads to better coping skills and reduces the likelihood of behavioral problems. By supporting the caregiver to identify ways to provide a secure base and safe haven, children are able to explore their environment confidently, fostering independence, curiosity and learning opportunities.

Parenting is a journey filled with joy, challenges and countless learning opportunities. The Circles of Security program is a powerful resource for caregivers which offers support to navigate the complexities of raising children.


Coyne, J., Powell, B., Hoffman, K., & Cooper, G. (2019). The circle of security. Handbook of infant mental health, 500-513.

Coyne, J., Powell, B., Hoffman, K., & Cooper, G. (2018). The Circle of Security: A Visual "Map" of Caregiver-Child Attachment. [Figure 1]. Image retrieved from https://www.circleofsecurityinternational.com/circle-of-security-model/what-is-the-circle-of-security/

Resources for Parents – Circle of Security International. (n.d.). Www.circleofsecurityinternational.com. https://www.circleofsecurityinternational.com/resources-for-parents/

The Circle of Security International. (2022). What is the Circle of Security – Circle of Security International. Www.circleofsecurityinternational.com. https://www.circleofsecurityinternational.com/circle-of-security-model/what-is-the-circle-of-security/


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